Ecole d'été du GDR RO 2017 (Porquerolles)
the Joint ACP and GdR RO Summer School 2017.
It will be held September, 18-22th, 2017 in Porquerolles island, France.
This summer school is co-organized by the ACP and the French constraint programming working group for "Constraints and Operational Research" within the CNRS research group "Operational Research".
The topic of the school is "Hybridization of Constraint Programming and Operational Research: from practical opportunities to concrete implementation of solutions".
During this week, participants will be raised awareness on several classical and novel challenges at the frontier between Constraint Programming and Operational Research. This year a focus will be done on the tools that allow to provide concrete implementation of solutions. Particularly, the participants will be challenged on a given problem both in terms of modeling and implementation of a solution in their own standalone tool.
The school is intended for PhD students, masters students and industrial practitioners, who want to get a good understanding of capabilities and current research directions in the area of Constraint Programming, particularly at the frontier with Operational Research. Prior knowledge of Constraint Programming is not required, but general problem solving skills, good programming and mathematical skills will be helpful.