Ecole de l'axe REST


PhD School on the Optimization of Transportation and Logistics under Uncertainty
Dimanche, 22 Septembre, 2024 to Mardi, 24 Septembre, 2024

Dear colleagues,

As a side event of the 11th INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics Society Workshop (TSL 2024), the Lab of Digital Sciences of Nantes (LS2N), IMT Atlantique, and CRC Services, with the support of the National Research Agency of France (ANR) have the pleasure to organize a PhD School on the Optimization of Transportation and Logistics under Uncertainty.

At IMT Atlantique, Nantes, France, 22-24 September, 2024

The school will cover the main models and solution techniques to solve stochastic and dynamic optimization problems in transportation and logistics. The courses will be given by Mike Hewitt (Loyola Chicago University) and Justin Goodson (Saint Louis University).

More details on this PhD School is available at

Looking forward to welcoming you in Nantes,

The organizing committee of the 2024 TSL workshop