journée "Préférences, Elicitation, Décision"


Journée TADJ
Vendredi, 18 Mars, 2016

Programme de la journée

Café (à partir de 10h15)

  • 10h30-11h30 : Michel Grabisch (Université Paris 1), "The multilinear model and the Choquet integral model in multicriteria decision making with interacting criteria"

  • 11h30-12h30 : Christophe Labreuche (Thalès), "Generalized Additive Independence (GAI) model in MCDA: monotonicity representation and link with the Choquet integral"

Pause déjeuner

  • 14h00-15h00 : Mikhail Timonin (School of Economic and Finance, London), "Axiomatization of the Choquet Integral"

  • 15h00-16h00 : Ulle Endriss (University of Amsterdam), "Diversity of Preferences"

  • 16h00-16h45 : Nawal Benabbou (LIP6, Université Paris 6) "Capacity elicitation for the Choquet integral"