Workshop on restless bandits and applications in RL


Workshop on restless bandits, index policies and applications in reinforcement learning
Lundi, 20 Novembre, 2023 to Mardi, 21 Novembre, 2023


Web page of the workshop

Keywords: Restless bandits, indexability, weakly-coupled MDPs, decomposition

Abstract: The goal of this workshop is to gather the community that work on the topic of restless bandits and their applications in MDPs and learning. Topics of interest include:

  • Application of restless bandits
  • Index policies and indexability, including algorithms to compute indices
  • Decomposition methods to solve large MDPs (including weakly-coupled MDPs and factored MDPs)
  • Mean field control

Venue and registration

Location: Grenoble campus, Batiment IMAG, main amphitheatre (ground floor).
Date: November, 20 and 21, 2023.


Abstract submission (intended for PhD students or young researchers): See web page of the workshop.